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Adaptation & Resilience

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Climate-related information for materiality assessment

Companies withdraw from certain areas because of floods, droughts, water scarcity, and wildfire risks. These risks don't have to be catastrophic at all, but simply recurrent and impactful.

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Insured, Uninsured and the Total economic loss: the difference

How to evaluate the global total economic loss, if the figure calculated based on developed country data is $1 tn per year?

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Climate Risk Management powered by weather data

Climate risk is a financial risk. Floods and Droughts reduce asset and property value, and increase operational costs. Flood is the most hazardous and abundant physical climate risk.

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Supply Chain

In 2022 during extreme drought, the economic loss due to Mississippi River disruptions was estimated at $20 bn

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Avoided CO2 emissions

Carbon accounting is now adopted across all sectors, is being refined and extended to more complex projects. While carbon offsetting has become a common practice, the new concept of avoided emissions is getting traction.

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Flood mapping: predicting unpredictable

An area with greater flood or wildfire risk - means higher re-construction costs, higher insurance liability and higher insurance premiums.

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Forecasting the extremes with Climate and Weather models

Physical climate risk assessment is not about predicting the exact future dates of specific events like a weather forecast.